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Change Starts Here

Volunteer Opportunities

Kiwonnongo Foundation is committed to helping the neediest among the Lunya area communities. Learn more about our charitable Volunteer Opportunities, and see how you can help make it even better and more impactful. Whether you’re looking to donate money or want to volunteer your time, we are happy to receive any help you can give. We welcome any referrals especially to your communities for a presentation, a meeting, a discussion,  radio, or TV. 



•Mission: We are looking for committed volunteers that have experience and skills to make impacts to the local communities in the area of : 
âž”    Education of children of ages 4 years to 21 years
âž”    Empowering women and youths
âž”    Grant writing; community development
âž”    Small scale farming
âž”    Evangelism/Missionary (any Christian Denomination) and Church Planting
âž”    Animal husbandry
âž”    Hands-on skill training
âž”    Sanitation and Clean Water
âž”    Health
âž”    Environment protection
âž”    We also welcome any family, group, or individuals with just the desire to make any positive impact to the local communities. No specific duration is required, just email us with your desires. See group number limits below.

•Project or position: Volunteer projects or roles depending on the area of skills. Write to us about your area of skills. We are looking for self-driven, committed, and motivated individuals to work with local members in the above areas of expertise.

•Task: A volunteer needs to be able to work with the local staff and follow a specific job description, but also infusing own experience and skills after discussing them with the country coordinator. No speficic language is required.

•Skills: Communication is a major key factor required. Communicating with the local country director and any assigned contact personnel is vital to the success of any project and to the safety of our volunteers.

•Setting: Volunteers will work with school children if the skills are for educating children. Office hours are 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM Uganda time, Monday to Friday, off on weekends and holidays. This is negotiable depending of the specificity of skills. For Youths and Women, a schedule is developed by the volunteers and supported by the member staff working on the same projects. Other areas such as evangelism, free lance skills such as sports or hands-on skills,  the schedule depend on volunteer assessment of the whole program. Youth and Women projects require some outdoor field contact hours or onsite meetings depending on volunteer area of interest. Venues depend on skill sets: outdoors, main office, an off-site location, main city foR training, or door-to-door in the community. 

Free residence is available to accommodate individuals or family or groups of up to 15 people at a given time. Free local food is available. Free transportation from and to airports. When a volunteer is free, they are free to do whatever they desire. Please consult local staff for advice about the safety of areas one may want to explore. Safety is our number one GOAL. 

Note: A free round trip air ticket is available for any volunteer with desired skills who would want to volunteer at least two years of any service.

•Schedule and commitment:
   How long will this job last? - Depends on Volunteer availability: 2 months to 2 years is advisable. 
   How many hours per week?- Depends on the skillset. 
   Can I determine my own hours? Yes, when discussed ahead of time with local directors. 
   Is the job more time-intensive during certain months of the year? No, except for school calendars. 
   Are date-specific events or project deadlines part of the job? No, except for teaching academics

•Training and supervision. There are some projects in the community that may require training ( sponsored by the org.). A volunteer is encouraged to attend and understand the culture and background of such projects so that they can maximize their impact in those areas. Training is not mandatory. Supervision is always introduced to the volunteers or arrival or during the process of preparation for volunter travel .

•Screening: This can be done through a qualified agency or directly contacting the founder directly at

   As always, there is no question too silly to be answered, write us an email and we shall     come up with a great package for anyone with great skills.

   Visit us on the school Facebook page: ST Jerome Emilian Academy, Lunya for current updates.

Thank you and we look forward to working with you.



01 19175437474

Lunya, Lwamata  Sub-County
Kiboga District - Uganda


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